ASHRAE 110 Test Kit – Ensuring a Safe Work Space for Techs
A fume hood is a local ventilation device designed to eliminate or minimize exposure to hazardous fumes, dust or other airborne particulates. Basically, the fume hood provides an area where a technician can safely work with certain hazardous materials. The fume hood is designed to contain and vent all dangerous vapors and particulates away from the worker. A typical fume hood will undergo quality testing by the manufacturer, but it is also necessary to test the fume hood in its installed state and to periodically make sure the hood is performing correctly to limit human exposure to airborne hazards. ASHRAE 110-1995 is the current industry accepted standard for this testing procedure.
Kanomax provides all the components for tracer gas testing except the actual tracer gas itself. Our DIF-kit is made of durable and reliable stainless steel components to the specifications of drawing 110-83M. Our test-manikin includes an adjustable stand so you can easily position it at the correct height for the ASHRAE 110 test.